Sunday, January 30, 2011


                      DEMONSTRATION IN TEACHING
Demonstration in teaching is effective because it shows how a thing is done and emphasizing of the salient merits, utility and effeciency of a concept, method and attitude. It tells all the good things about the things you're going to demonstrate.It is one most effective strategy in teaching because you can use any materials, you can elaborate about your topic and teach them well. Students when taught guided and helped can also turn out to be excellent.


Through Dramatized Experiences we can learn certain things quikly through an intense dramatic experience. Most especially role playing the most effective with effective lessons in the affectuvi domain.If our teaching is dramatic, our students get interested, attarted and affected.If they are interested, affected and moved by what we taught we will most likely leave an impact on them.You cannot use Direct or Contrived experiences, you can use dramatic experiences in order for them to enjoy also as what they saw but at the same time can learn.


                            Teaching with Contrived Experiences
Contrived Experiencesv is effective also because contrived experiences are "EDITED" copies of reality and are used as substitutes for real things when it is not practical or not  possible to bring or do the real thing in the classroom. designed to stimulate to real life situations. It is nice also to overcome limitation of space and time to understand the inaccessible, to edit the relity for us to be able to focus on the parts and help the learners understand abstraction.


                 Direct Purposeful Experiences and Beyond
Direct Purposeful Experiences is very effective for me because it gives our students opportunities to learn dy doing. Let us make use of real things as instructional materials for as long as we can. for me, this is also the best before you teach them in the class, they can relate your topic because they already experienced that all and they can interact you also. It can Develop the five senses to the fullest and use their firsthand experiences to evaluate their level of thinking.